
Gujjars are very poor and backward. They are not indulged in any fixed occupational activity, nor are they into any government jobs, except a few, among educated younger generation, who work in educational sector. ‘Gujjars’ are very hard working. They are being liked as laborers and semi-skilled workers. The main occupation of ‘Gujjars’ in the valley of Kashmir is cattle rearing particularly sheep, buffalo and horses. This is considered the primary source of income for their sustenance. They are settled on the high altitudes and are very poor with negligible output. Those of the ‘Gujjars’, whose resources through cattle rearing and agriculture do not help them to sustain themselves, take to semi-skilled jobs like that of a laborer, household servant or watchmen. ‘Gujjars’ were mostly believed to be herdsmen, many of them possessing minor pieces of land on the mountain foothills. Most of them own barrack-type shelters made of wooden logs called ‘dhokes’ on the upper reaches, but they differ from ‘Bakerwals’,( who belong to the same ethnic stock, largely depend on sheep and goats for their livelihood) for not being nomadic. They still possess ‘dhokes’ and rear cattle at the upper reach and then sell these cattle to ‘Bakerwals’. Their houses are not very well built, but are average or some even below average, simply made up of wood, bricks, etc. Many ancestral houses are also seen which are known as ‘Kotha’, because in ancient times ‘Gujjars’ called their houses ‘Kotha’. In the midst of various sub-cultures among the Muslims in the valley of Kashmir, ‘gojars’ constitute a separate ethnic group with absolute conservatism in the preservation of their identity. Though they are followers of Islam, like Muslims all over the world, yet their physiognomy, dress, language, and social relations are quite unique as compared to their counterparts in any part of the world. Despite the influx of cultural change, technological application at all levels, network of mass-media and communication system, ‘Gujjars’ of the valley have resisted the change in their life style, farming and interpersonal relationships. The Gujjar system of law is executed for the benefit, and with the consent of entire community. The administrative system is controlled by clan chief or sardars ‘mokdam’. These are prominent men of the clan who are respected by all the clan members. They are chosen on the basis of their stature in the community, sense of fair play and oratory skills. Law is governed by the moral and ethical norms of the community, and solutions are sort mainly in compliance with the implicit laws kept in place by the elders from one generation to the next. Women have little role to play in the Gujjar system of law. They are not appointed as chiefs, advisors or religious heads, nor have there been any cases where women have controlled the system of justice formally. The Gujjars divide work in a household chiefly along the lines of sex and age. While some choices are strictly assigned to males and females, other activities may be jointly or randomly performed by men or women. Accordingly to the available resources some tasks are branded as being exclusively male or female. Domestic activities like cooling, cleaning, fetching water, tending to children and washing are performed mainly by women. While as pastoral activities including various herding activities as well as other chores outside the house are mainly performed by men. Women assist in pastoral activities. The chopping of firewood is mainly a male chore but may also be performed by women. Muslim Gujjars count descent patrilineally, and marriage is partrilocal with consanguine marriage sort. Marriage is usually arranged by parents. Love marriages are considered derogatory. Bride-price by the groom’s family is commonly made in cash or animal. They still follow the custom of early marriages, where girls are married at an age of 14-15 years and boys at 17-18 years. It is observed that the practice of monogamy (according to which one male marries one female throughout the life) is widely practiced. Dominant majority follows this practice strictly. Though Islam, the soul religion, believed and practiced among Gujjars has permitted marriage of a Muslim male with more than one female, if he can do justice between them and can afford them fairly on financial grounds. The practice of polygamy has become lesser. It is also found that generally Gujjars practice endogamy, i.e. they marry within their own family, clan, class, caste and community. They also marry among Bakarwals (who belong to the same ethnic stock) and Pahari. Gujjar marriages are characterized with the feature of patri-locality.
